The First Hat

DSCN2398This adventure began 2 & 1/2 years ago when I wanted to make a hat for my newborn son.  I had tried crocheting years before and failed miserably.  The first time I tried to learn crocheting I had a old school teacher that would grab my needle and rip my chain out as soon as she saw that my tension was changing…she might as well have slapped my hands with a ruler while she was at it!  The second attempt I had a perfectly nice teacher, my dear friend Andi Hammond, but I still just wasn’t getting it.  So the thought of making my son a hat was followed with a laugh of disbelief.

Then my friend, Diana Putnam, dropped a loom in my lap and gave me some instructions to get started.  The next day little Roo had a hat….made by mama!!!  Since that day I’ve taught myself different stitches, weaves and I make all kinds of things.

The success with the loom has given me the cofidence to start taking crochet lessons again and this time it’s actually going really well!  I’m really excited for the possibilites that are ahead.

Please join me on my journey.


Jenny Bonfiglio